
We approach every training with a creative mind, innovative exercises and the ability to detect the athlete’s needs for their sport!


The Difference Between Win or Lose

A fraction of a second can determine personal records and championships. Therefore speed is our focus – in all areas of modern training.

We help Athletes improve their: Acceleration, Explosiveness, Jumping Ability, Reaction Time and Change of Direction Ability.


Accurate Evaluation and Analysis

With high-tech equipment such as TMG muscle diagnostic, high speed video assisted running style analysis and speed tests we optimize the training at each stage and in each age group. We use these accurate test results, detailed analyses and specific exercises to make you reach your goals.


The Importance of Speed

The fastest athletes are most often the dominant athletes. Max velocity, acceleration, and change of direction mechanics are the core of our trainings.

In our sessions we work on the things that you need to improve this. This is based on your objectives and, of course, the time and commitment that you are willing to put into training.

Where we start regardless of your level, is by teaching you efficient running technique and changing your movement patterns.

Our Training Sessions
  • 30+ Years Coaching
  • 25+ Clubs worldwide train
    with our methods
  • 900+ Athletes train with
    us per year

Reach the next level

Wether you train with us in person or online, our training methods help you to reach the next level in your athletic development!

Foto: Johan Dahlquist


State of the Art Training Facilities

The academy is based in the Prioritet Serneke Arena in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is the most modern sports complex in Scandinavia.

In addition we are able to offer our athletes the most advanced speed training system in the world, the SpeedCourt.

SpeedCourt training is suitable for athletes of all age groups and skill level. For further Information just get in touch with us and take part in a SpeedCourt training session at our facilities at the Serneke Arena!

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  • Running Coordination

    The purpose is to teach the brain and the nervous system to activate the muscles in the right way at the right moment

  • Acceleration

    The average sprint distance for example in football is 17m. 50% of the sprints are less than 10m. Acceleration is the key to success in team sports

  • Intermuscular Coordination

    A high frequency of strides makes for faster acceleration. All muscles involved must be working together

  • Athletic Development

    Athletes participate in physical conditioning that helps reduce the risk of injury to ensure on-going participation in long-term programs.

  • Long-term Motivation

    Health and wellbeing of the athlete will always be central to our long-term athletic development programs

  • Coaching Quality

    We work with highly qualified professionals and a sound pedagogical approach. Both are fundamental to the success of long-term athletic development


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the academy based?

We are based in thePrioritet Serneke Arena in Göteborg.  Scandinavia‘s largest multisportcomplex. The perfect location for all training needs.

What is the minimum age to train at the academy?

You should be at least 8 years old to start training with us.

I do not live in Sweden, do you offer online training?

Yes we do. We work with athletes all over the world. The academy offers special online training programs, in which you communicate with us directly.

How often should I train?

The amount of training necessary is based on an individual evaluation.

Train with Tanner Speed

Join the Tanner Speed Academy today and become the best athlete you can be!

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